受賞・表彰名 | 受賞・表彰者 | 受賞年月日 | 受賞対象となった研究課題名等 |
Award of Excellent Contestant – Student Award Paper Competition, International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2016, International Convention Center Jeju | Heein Yang | 2016/4/22 | Signal-to-Noise Ratio Estimation for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle on-board Synthetic Aperture Radar,” |
日本リモートセンシング学会優秀論文発表賞 | 小笠原千香子・本郷千春・田村栄作・Gunardi Sigit・A. A. Ayu Mirah Adi・Annie Ambarawati | 2016/5/12 | インドネシアにおける水稲生産量の地域特性と水管理手法の関係 |
日本リモートセンシング学会平成27年度論文奨励賞 | 劉 ウェン | 2016/5/12 | TerraSAR-X強度画像を用いた2011年東北地方太平洋沖地震における3次元地殻変動の検出 |
2016 Outstanding Student Paper Award (2016年度日本大気化学会学生優秀発表賞) | Hossain Mohammed Syedul Hoque | 2016/10/14 | Long term multi component MAX-DOAS observation in Phimai, Thailand |
Best Student Award(The 7th Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium, The 24th CEReS International Symposium, the 1st Symposium on Innovative Microwave Remote Sensing, The 4th Symposium on Microsatellites for Remote Sensing ) | Jamrud Aminuddin | 2016/11/24 | Observation of aerosol optical properties by means of Himawari-8 satellite from space and lidar system from surface |
Best Student Awards, The 7th Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium, The 24th CEReS International Symposium, the 1st Symposium on Innovative Microwave Remote Sensing, The 4th Symposium on Microsatellites for Remote Sensing | Yuta Izumi | 2016/11/24 | Polarimetric Analysis Of Long Term Paddy Rice Observation Using Ground-based Sar (GB-SAR) System |
Best Poster Award, The 7th Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium | Min-Wook Heo and Heein Yang | 2016/11/24 | Implementation on Reduction Lut Memory Size in Chirp Signal Generation for Sattelite on-board SAR |
Best Paper Award, The 7th Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium, The 24th CEReS International Symposium, the 1st Symposium on Innovative Microwave Remote Sensing, The 4th Symposium on Microsatellites for Remote Sensing | Ming Yam Chua | 2016/11/24 | Phase Coded Stepped Frequency Linear Frequency Modulated Waveform Synthesis Technique for Ultra-Wideband Synthetic Aperture Radar |
Best Paper Awards, The 7th Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium | Fumihiro Kaneko | 2016/11/24 | Introducing A Threshold To Condorecet Improvement |
Best Presenter Awards, The 7th Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium | Richa Bhattarai | 2016/11/24 | Risk Assessment of Land Subsidence in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal |
Best Student Awards, The 7th Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium | Nazalia Kurnia Dewi | 2016/11/24 | A Preliminary Study on the Experience of Indonesian Certified Kaigofukushishi/Candidate Who Work at Japanese Nursing Home in Japan: A Result from Participant Observatory |
Sri Sumantyo Awards, The 7th Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium | Masaru Bunya | 2016/11/24 | CP-SAR Image Processing System with Kintex-7 FPGA Board |
Sri Sumantyo Awards, The 7th Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium | Akira Kato | 2016/11/24 | Forest Disaster Monitoring using Google Earth Engine, UAVSfM, and Terrestrial Laser Scanner |
Best Poster Awards , The 7th Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium |
Mustafa Yagmur | 2016/11/24 | 3D Tomographic Analysis of Ionospheric Anomalies Preceding Large Earthquakes |
日中科学技術交流協会中国人留学生奨励賞受賞 | ハイラティー アリフ | 2017/1/11 | 衛星画像を用いたデブリ氷河観測の新手法 |
地球科学科成績優秀賞 | 堀江政樹 | 2017/3/23 | |
博士後期課程地球科学コース成績優秀賞 | Haireti Alifu | 2017/3/24 |
平成28年度 受賞・表彰