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Introduction Video Released (February 2022)

CEReS is National Collaborative Research Center under Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). The staffs of CEReS belongs to Graduate Schools (Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Sciences and Graduate School of Sciences) and Undergraduate (Department of Informatics and Imaging Systems and Department of Earth Sciences).
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Center for Environmental Remote Sensing (CEReS), Chiba University, has continued to research according to the second middle-term (2010-2015) plaln of Chiba University, from April 2010, as one of the national centers for joint usage and research. Currently the major research projects of CEReS are implemented in line with the following three research programs.
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This center fielder aims at the effective project promotion by the joint use and develops a study along three programs.
This center fielder brings up the successor while cooperating with graduate school education as a joint use foothold of fields of environmental remote sensing.
I bring up the successor while cooperating with a department / graduate school education as a joint use foothold of the fields of environmental remote sensing.
As one of Joint Usage/Research Centers authorized by Ministry of Education. Culture, Sports, Science(MEXT). CEReS contributes to develop remote sensing research with many research organizarions in Japan and overseas.