Dmitry Belikov特任研究員がSTIPMEX Workshopにて発表を行いました

Dmitry Belikov, a member of CEReS (Laboratory of Saitoh Naoko sensei), participated in the International Workshop on Stratosphere-Troposphere Interactions and Prediction of Monsoon Weather Extremes (STIPMEX), held at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology in Pune, India, from June 2 to 7 ( The workshop covered a wide range of issues related to stratosphere-troposphere coupling processes and extreme weather events associated with the Asian summer monsoon. Topics of discussion included atmospheric dynamical, chemical, radiative, and convective processes during the Asian summer monsoon, recent trends in stratosphere-troposphere coupling, and the links between stratospheric processes and volcanic eruptions with the monsoon. The workshop also addressed the challenges of forecasting extreme weather events during the Asian summer monsoon and presented new initiatives and insights for future ways of forecasting these extremes.

The session chair Dr. Marc von Hobe (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany)
presents Dmitry Belikov with a small gift from STIPMEX after the oral presentation session.

Dmitry’s oral presentation, “Study the Influence of the Asian Summer Monsoon on the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere Using Methane Distributions,” was well received by the distinguished audience, which included respected professors and researchers from around the world. The positive reception of his presentation highlighted the importance of his research and its contributions to understanding the complex interactions between the Asian summer monsoon and atmospheric methane distributions. The active discussions and interactions during the workshop allowed Dmitry to explore many opportunities for collaboration with other experts in the field.

During the workshop, Dmitry discussed in detail various aspects of their research on methane dispersal during the monsoon. These discussions provided valuable insights and feedback that refined the research approach and identified potential areas for further investigation. The workshop facilitated a lively exchange of ideas and knowledge, fostering a collaborative environment that is critical for advancing research on stratosphere-troposphere interactions and predicting monsoon weather extremes. Dmitry’s participation in STIPMEX was an important opportunity to interact with top experts, showcase innovative research, and forge collaborative networks for future efforts in the field.

During the workshop, participants enjoyed an engaging cultural program with traditional Indian dances and songs from popular Indian movies. We also had the opportunity to taste traditional Indian food, which was delicious and a bit spicy.(D.B.)

Traditional Indian dancing