Announcements CEReS Introduction Video Released! Chiba University Official YouTube Channel Video produced by KIZUNA JAPAN Co.,Ltd. 日本語版はこちら 2022.02.03 Announcements
Monthly Reports CEReS Newsletter No. 194 (Jan. 2022, in Japanese) Open in a new window 2022.02.03 Monthly Reports
Monthly Reports CEReS Newsletter No. 193 (Dec. 2021, in Japanese) Open in a new window 2022.01.18 Monthly Reports
Monthly Reports CEReS Newsletter No. 192 (Nov. 2021, in Japanese) Open in a new window 2021.12.13 Monthly Reports
Research Conferences AsiaFlux Online Conference 2021(Online) web: registration form: click here registration by: Dec 16, 2021 2021.11.19 Research Conferences
Monthly Reports CEReS Newsletter No. 191 (Oct. 2021, in Japanese) Open in a new window 2021.11.12 Monthly Reports
Monthly Reports CEReS Newsletter No. 190 (Sep. 2021, in Japanese) Open in a new window 2021.10.19 Monthly Reports
Research Conferences 6th International SKYNET Workshop Japan(Online) The 6th International SKYNET Workshop is held from November 9 to 11, 2021. With worldwide online participation, all ... 2021.09.22 Research Conferences
Monthly Reports CEReS Newsletter No. 189 (Aug. 2021, in Japanese) Open in a new window 2021.09.10 Monthly Reports
Announcements Fiscal year 2021 CEReS Overseas Joint Research Program Overseas Programs are on page 3. 2021.08.26 Announcements