
News Releases

Infographic: Quasi-real time Analysis of Solar Radiation and Solar Power Output using Geostationary Satellite Data (Assist. Prof. Hideaki Takenaka)

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Monthly Reports

CEReS Newsletter No. 230 (Jan. 2025, in Japanese)

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News Releases

From drops to data: Advancing global precipitation estimates with the LETKF algorithm (Kotsuki and Okazaki Lab)

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Monthly Reports

CEReS Newsletter No. 229 (Dec. 2024, in Japanese)

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Monthly Reports

CEReS Newsletter No. 228 (Nov. 2024, in Japanese)

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Monthly Reports

CEReS Newsletter No. 227 (Oct. 2024, in Japanese)

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Monthly Reports

CEReS Newsletter No. 226 (Sep. 2024, in Japanese)

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Monthly Reports

CEReS Newsletter No. 225 (Aug. 2024, in Japanese)

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News Releases

Infographic: Artificial generation of upstream maritime heavy rains to govern intense-rain-induced disasters over land(AMAGOI) (Prof. Shunji Kotsuki)

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Monthly Reports

CEReS Newsletter No. 224 (Jul. 2024, in Japanese)

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